
Financial 援助 Information

重要的是,任何希望利用校外学习机会的学生都要与 financial aid 人事至少在项目开始前一个学期讨论他或她的特殊情况. 新濠天地app新濠天地app对校外学生的经济资助采取了以下政策:

General Information

Financial 援助 Types:

  • 联邦政府: Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG Grant, Federal TEACH Grant, Federal Direct Loans
  • 状态: PHEAA Grant, WV State Grant, Ohio College Opportunity Grant
  • Institutional: 学术 & Honors scholarships, Geneva Grant, Endowed & Funded 奖学金, etc.
  • Tuition Benefit: Tuition Benefit (staff grant and tuition exchange) for eligible employee dependents
十字路口 logo

Students participating in an off-campus program will:

  • 收取新濠天地app新濠天地app标准学费或课程学费,以较高者为准
  • Pay Geneva College the Room & Board costs associated with each program
  • 校外学习管理费用为300美元(暑期课程为150美元)
  • 有资格获得100%的联邦/州援助和外部奖学金(耶路撒冷大学新濠天地app除外,联邦援助)
  • 如果他们想申请额外的资助,则需要填写十字路口资助申请表
  • 他们在新濠天地app新濠天地app注册参加校外课程时,需要支付额外课程的学费
  • 能够获得新濠天地app教会配合奖助金和一些捐赠奖学金在100%的水平(见 Office of Financial 援助 详情)
  • 参加学费补贴或交换项目的学生在参加校外项目的学期中将获得50%的减免, no matter the program. Tuition Exchange is not applicable for summer.

Program Information


Major-Related Programs

Students are permitted to apply their full Geneva aid for:

Au Sable (for Environmental Science majors only).

Note: Independent majors are excluded from Tier A


Geneva semester programs,  印第安纳州. major-related programs,  and concentrations listed here

* Students with an 印第安纳州ependent major in Spanish may use 50% of their aid toward 装备、生活 & Learning Intl., or Semester in Spain.

*商务音乐专业的学生可以申请50%的新濠天地app助学金参加 CCCU Contemporary Music Center

*生物学或环境工程专业的学生可以申请50%的新濠天地app助学金到Au Sable就读



Faith-based Programs

Students are permitted to apply 25% of their Geneva aid for:

CCCU Semester Programs; CCCU Summer Programs; Christ’s College: Chinese Language Program; Dordt Program in Nicaragua (SPIN); Jerusalem University; LCC International Univ.; Living & Learning Intl. (厄瓜多尔 & Rome With Purpose); NYC Semester at The Kings’ College; EQUIP and Semester in Spain (for Spanish minors and others); Webster University (WINS) Oberlin campus, 东京, Japan; Oregon Extension Program


Other Endorsed Programs

No institutional aid will be provided by Geneva College for:

Arcadia University; BCA 出国留学; Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute; Webster University (WINS)

新濠天地app校外项目的最低费用与新濠天地app新濠天地app的常规学期学费相同, the program’s room & board cost, plus a $300.00 administrative fee.  如果选择的校外课程的学费高于新濠天地app的学费率,学生将被收取所选课程的全部学费, plus the $300.00 administrative fee.


Additional Sources for 出国留学 Funding

There are many outside sources of funding for study abroad. 看看下面的选项,也可以搜索一些免费奖学金数据库: Fastweb奖学金.comCollege BoardCappex

Freeman - ASIA

由国际教育协会(IIE)主办的“弗里曼亚洲奖学金”为美国学生提供奖学金.S. 有经济需要到东亚或东南亚留学的本科生.  

Gilman International Scholarship


Scott's Cheap Flights 出国留学 Scholarship

One $1,000 scholarship awarded each Fall and Spring. 

Fund For Education Abroad

海外教育基金(FEA)投资于希望出国留学的有经济需要的有前途的学生. 符合新濠天地app资格要求的潜在申请人可以参加任何符合其学术目标的国际教育计划. 奖学金 range from $1,250 – $10,000 and can be applied for programs that run for at least 28 days. 

Boren Scholarship

Boren 奖学金, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students by focusing on geographic areas, 语言, fields of study that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad. 博伦学者代表了希望在联邦领域工作的高度积极的个人的重要群体. In exchange for funding, 博仁学者承诺在毕业后至少在联邦政府工作一年.

The maximum scholarship award is $10,000 for a semester abroad. Award amounts will vary depending on the length of study and student need.

Gilman-McCain Scholarship (for undergraduate children of active duty service members)

美国.S. Department of State’s Gilman-McCain Scholarship provides awards of $5,000 for undergraduate child dependents of active duty service members (Air Force, 军队, 海军陆战队, 海军, Coast Guard) to study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs. Developed under the framework of the State Department’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, 约翰·麦凯恩军人家庭子女国际奖学金(吉尔曼-麦凯恩奖学金)向在美国大学注册的合格学生开放.S. colleges and universities who receive any type of Title IV federal financial aid. 

Tortuga 出国留学 Scholarship

托尔图加留学奖学金每两年颁发一次,奖励那些充满激情、想要探索世界的学生. The scholarship may be used for tuition, room and board, books, or travel. 奖学金 are awarded for fall, spring, summer terms. The winner of the Tortuga Scholarship will receive a $1,000 scholarship for studying abroad and one travel backpack.

Explore the World Travel Scholarship

探索世界旅游奖学金每年由美国国际青年旅社(HI USA)颁发,以帮助资助教育或服务部分的旅行. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-30, be a U.S. citizen or green card holder, demonstrate financial need as outlined in the application guidelines, 并在HI USA有社区存在的选定大都市之一居住或上学. 奖学金金额为2000美元,在旅行前后分期支付1000美元.

Ashley Soulé Conroy 出国留学 Scholarship

阿什利基金会成立于2006年,是为了纪念阿什利·索索尔·康罗伊的一生,也是为了让阿什利的家人和朋友从她的去世中恢复过来. Ashley loved travel, so her loved ones envisioned a small foundation, 可以以阿什利的名义为一些计划出国留学的优秀大学生提供奖学金. 他们设想了一种方法来帮助这些学生实现他们在地球上遥远的角落学习的梦想,阿什利一直梦想着有一天能去那里.

奖学金 are awarded for the fall and spring semesters in the amount of $4,000.

注意:这些资源没有得到学校的认可,但学生们建议这些资源有助于找到奖学金和其他出国留学援助. Please use discernment in your applications.