新濠天地app新濠天地app-家长通讯- 2021年7月16日

Parents FYI 将新濠天地app新濠天地app向新濠天地app学生家长提供的重要信息整合到一封电子邮件中. It will continue to be sent to you regularly. If you have feedback or questions regarding Parents FYI, please contact information@azarnewsonline.com.
Looking at the Fall


We strongly encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. 同时,新濠天地app不需要他们,新濠天地app尊重社区成员的决定.


宾夕法尼亚州教育部还没有公布今年秋季的高等教育方案. 消息发布后,新濠天地app会向大家提供更多信息.
Need 2 Know!


Tuition Reminder

Summer is passing quickly. 请注意,所有未包括在经济援助或助学金/奖学金范围内的学费必须在8月10日之前支付, 2021. Payment options are:
  • 通过学生的Nelnet账户在线支付
  • a check mailted to Geneva College
  • 通过学生的Nelnet账户建立付款计划
  • 由新濠天地app新濠天地app认证的私人贷款
如果您对您的学生的未偿余额有任何疑问或需要帮助, please feel free to contact us at sfs@azarnewsonline.com; or by calling 724-847-6550.


Need Assistance Paying Fall Tuition?
Sign Up for Payment Plan through Nelnet

If registered as a full-time undergraduate, your student is eligible to enroll in a monthly, 免息付款计划,以协助支付秋季学期的余额. The four-month plan is currently available.

Please note:
  • 学生需要在你的学生账户上注册全额未偿余额
  • 付款将自动从学生的银行账户或信用卡中扣除
  • 付款计划必须通过学生的Nelnet帐户设置
  • A $25.在参加本计划时,应支付00美元不可退还的注册费
  • 对于四个月的计划,在注册时需要支付余额的10%的首付


Insurance Waiver Process

您的学生的新濠天地app账单是否显示了不必要的健康保险费用? 遵守政府规定的健康保险政策, 每个全日制传统本科学生通过新濠天地app新濠天地app参加大学健康计划,费用为1美元,866 for the year, 除非学生在网上填写了一份弃权书,上面的政策信息显示他们已经有健康保险.

放弃新濠天地app新濠天地app的医疗保险,并从您的学生账户中删除此费用, go to the website link below. 你的保险资料准备好回答问题了吗. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电724-847-6543与商务办公室联系.


Student Parking Permits Required

如果打算开车进校园,学生需要购买停车许可证. They'll receive a single permit, 如果每辆车都已登记,可由一辆车转到另一辆车. 学生可以在网上完成申请并支付85美元的年费. 停车许可证将发送到学生中心的学生邮箱.

To get started, log into myGeneva > Student Information > Student Life Info and scroll down to Student Parking. Click on the link to begin the application.
A Returning Face in Grad Programs

新濠天地app大学研究生招生办的新助理主任从第一手的角度了解新濠天地app新濠天地app的教育. 朱迪·威尔逊(Judy wilson)在新濠天地app获得心理学学士学位,辅修公共关系和工商管理. 事业成功后,她在路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)担任体育传播副主任。, 她回来推广以基督为中心的教育,这对她来说意义重大.

朱迪已经回到新濠天地app,指导工商管理硕士学位课程的招生工作。, counseling, cybersecurity and higher education.

She says, “我很高兴能帮助推进大学启动了我的职业生涯,并促进我所信仰的基督教教育. 我相信,作为招生团队的一员,可以帮助人们找到自己的道路,发现上帝在特定领域的呼召."

所以,如果你想了解这些优秀的硕士项目,请联系朱迪·威尔逊. She'll be glad to help. Reach her at jlwillso@azarnewsonline.com or 724.847.6854.
Remembering 9/11 at its 20th Anniversary

GVALS(新濠天地app的访问艺术和讲座系列)正在计划一个特别的系列活动,为新濠天地app的校园社区强调9/11的现实. Here's a quick overview of upcoming events:

Thursday, September 16 at 7 p.m.
Skye Lounge

The Constitution and 9/11: Brad Jacob
Friday, September 17 at 10:10 a.m.
Skye Lounge

Saturday, September 18, 8 a.m. departure from Geneva College
For Geneva College students, faculty and staff. 空间有限,需要提前登记.

More to come!
Calendar of Events
AUG 10 Final tuition payment is due
AUG 25 Welcome Week Begins
AUG 30 Fall Classes Begin
OCT 15 Fall Break Begins
OCT 19 Fall Break Ends
NOV 23 Thanksgiving Break Begins
NOV 29 Classes Resume
DEC 13 Last Day of Classes
DEC 17 Final Exams End
DEC 18 December Grad Reception

NOTICE: Dates & times are subject to change

On Campus

New Hero Scholarship for Military Members

新濠天地app新濠天地app宣布为退伍军人和现役军人提供一项新的英雄奖学金,这些退伍军人和现役军人没有100%享受《新濠天地app》的福利. Hero奖学金为传统本科学生(非成人学位)提供每学分100美元的折扣,为MBA硕士水平的学生提供每学分150美元的折扣, Counseling, Higher Ed and Cybersecurity programs.

Counseling Help for You or a Friend?

We all know that it's been a tough year. 一些人仍在情感上应对大流行的影响, isolation and an array of challenges.

If you, your student, 今年夏天,朋友或家人需要咨询, don't hesitate to seek help. Here are some resources that may be helpful.

Counselor Locator Websites for Summer Support
Focus on the Family

American Association of Christian Counselors

National Board for Certified Counselors

Psychology Today

National Hotline for Support
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Student Development Resources

The Center for Calling and Career
calling@azarnewsonline.com | 724-847-6572

The Center for Student Success
ssc@azarnewsonline.com | 724-847-5566

The Center for Student Engagement
cse@azarnewsonline.com | 724-847-6644

Residence and Commuter Life
housing@azarnewsonline.com | 724-847-6641

Counseling Services
alsolman@azarnewsonline.com | 724-847-4081

Health Services
healthservices@azarnewsonline.com | 724-847-6666

Dean’s Office
bhinzman@azarnewsonline.com | 724-847-6641

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