新濠天地app大学 Recognized for Outstanding Student Support in 职业发展 - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app
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新濠天地app大学 Recognized for Outstanding Student Support in 职业发展

Picture of 新濠天地app大学 Recognized for Outstanding Student Support in 职业发展

比弗瀑布,宾夕法尼亚州 — 新濠天地app大学 has received a special accolade for its outstanding 职业发展 initiatives for undergraduate students. This is an additional recognition from Colleges of Distinction, an organization that promotes schools with engaging undergraduate experiences focused on student success. 

新濠天地app大学’s 职业发展 award from Colleges of Distinction confirms that its career services go above and beyond the norm, supporting students with comprehensive four-year plans, personalized advising, 和更多的. One of the most common questions on students' minds is, "What will I do after graduation?“幸运的是, schools that receive the 职业发展 recognition have proven their ability to help students transition into post-graduation life with confidence. This recognition is given to institutions that offer comprehensive four-year plans, personalized advising, 和更多的. 

“We are very impressed with the ways that 新濠天地app大学 helps students transition into post-graduation life with confidence,” said Tyson Schritter, Chief Operating Officer at Colleges of Distinction. “The resources and unwavering support it gives students all throughout their academic journey sets them up for successful, fulfilling careers in whatever field they choose.”  

Some notable resources offered by 新濠天地app大学’s career services department include: 

  • Integrated Career Exploration and Preparation 
    • Students are first introduced to the career and calling conversation during Welcome Week at the annual Calling Summit.
    • Calling and Career staff members are regularly in both survey and senior seminar courses helping students to think forward about what they will do after graduation. 
    • Sophomores are invited to attend an annual Coherence retreat where they consider what it means to live a coherent and meaningful life. 
    • As students prepare to graduate, they are invited to attend a one-day Senior Launch conference where they learn more about how to transition successfully out of college into their careers and graduate work. 
  • Accessible Programs and Training
    • One-on-one counseling appointments for personalized assistance. 
    • Services such as self-assessments, résumé and cover letter writing, interview preparation, and networking support. 
    • Workshops and events to enhance job search skills, explore their purpose, and receive helpful feedback. 
  • Dedicated, Career-Centered Staff 
    • Both career and personal assessments to help students gain self-awareness and explore their interests. 
    • Partner with academic departments to host multiple general and major-specific career fairs throughout each academic year. 
    • Facilitate alumni connections through one-on-one connections and panel events to encourage students to begin their networking journey. 

"The 职业发展 recognition goes beyond standard offerings like mock interviews and job boards,施里特补充道. "新濠天地app大学 integrates career readiness into the curriculum, establishing meaningful connections between students across majors and their future careers. This innovative and comprehensive approach to career preparation is what sets 新濠天地app大学's Career Center apart and deserving of this recognition." 


Through purposeful learning in a community reflecting the full spectrum of God’s kingdom, a 新濠天地app大学 experience inspires students to discover a faith-life calling in service to God and neighbor. Offering 195+ traditional undergraduate majors and programs, fully online Adult 学位课程 and high-demand graduate degrees, Geneva’s programs are recognized for their high quality and affordability. Geneva was founded and is governed by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) and is a founding member of both the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the International Alliance for Christian Education (IACE).  


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