乔纳森·瓦特 查看所有新濠天地app


  • Ph.D. 语言学, 1995, University of Pittsburgh
  • M.A., 语言学, 1987, University of Pittsburgh
  • M.Div., 1982, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
  • B.S. Magazine Journalism (minor: German), 1978, Syracuse University


  • 人类学/社会学 & 成人教育
    • ant201 -文化人类学
    • 多元文化主义 & Globalism
    • MIN 491 - Cross-Cultural Conflict
    • cmn401 -群动力学
    • CMN 430, 432, 434, 438 - Research Methods
    • CMN 445 - Theory and Practice of Adult Learning
    • HMT 411 -人文(入门)
    • BBL 408 - Foundations of Christian Thought
    • cmn470 -高级研讨会
    • CMN 403 - Personal 领导 and Development
    • CMN 406 -社区教会
    • CMN 404 - Old Testament Principles of Ministry
    • CMN 407 - New Testament Principles of Ministry
    • BBL 409 - Christianity in Dialogue (Apologetics)
    • CMN 409 - Principles of Family Ministry
    • CMN 410 - 领导 for Mission and Ministry

  • 圣经研究
    • BIB 112 - Old Testament Introduction
    • BIB 113 - New Testament Introduction
    • BIB 301 -旧约先知:但以理
    • BIB 303 - OT诗歌:诗篇
    • BIB 303 - OT:摩西五经
    • bib308 - OT智慧文学
    • bib312 -新约:保罗书信
    • 新约:希伯来书
    • BIB 312 -新约:马太福音
    • 新约:罗马书
    • bib311 - NT:哥林多前书
    • BIB 314 - NT:天主教书信
    • BIB 340 - Inter-Testamentary Period
    • BIB 341 -圣经考古学

  • English
    • 高级ESL阅读
    • 英语101 -英语写作
    • 研究写作
    • eng328 -英语语法/语言.
    • ENG 382 - History of English Language
    • eng491 -英语方言
    • COM 101 - Principles of Communication
  • History
    • BIB 491 - Early Church Experience
    • bib491 - Pat. & Med. 教会历史
    • BIB 491 - Reformed Presbyterian History
    • HUM 118,119 -人文我 & II

  • 语言
    • GRK 101, 102 - Hellenistic Greek Grammar I and II
    • GRK 201 - Intermediate 希腊的阅读
    • grk202 -希腊注释
    • GRK 491 - Septuagint 希腊的阅读
    • GRK 493 - Adv. 希腊的阅读
    • GRK 491 - Directed Readings in Patristic Church Greek

  • 语言学
    • LIN 219 -语言学
    • LIN 220 -应用语言学
    • LIN 491 -社会语言学
    • 林491 -历史语言学
    • 林491 -语言和宗教
    • LIN 491 - 语言 of the World
  • 宗教事工研究
    • 伊斯兰世界
    • MIN 491 -圣战vs. McWorld
    • MIN 491 - 20th Century Jewish Experience / Judaeo-Christian Heritage
    • min225 -使命和文化
    • HUM 304 -犹太教 & 现代中东的伊斯兰教
  • Theology & Ministry
    • MIN 219 - World Christian Movement
    • BIB491 - Cultures of Biblical Times
    • MIN 491 -解放神学
    • CMN 408 -教会与宣教
    • min491 -精神的形成
    • BBL 491 -悲伤 & 危机的部
    • BBL 408 -信心的观点
  • 研究写作
    • min491 -任务研究 & Culture
    • Directed 本科 - Level Applied Research Project
    • IDM 491 - 本科 Honors Projects - Various Topics


Selected Presentations/Publications

  • 2024Hosted and presented the Orality and Literacy Conference at 新濠天地app大学. 这次会议 welcomed academics from a range of institutions, including to two plenary speakers, 32篇论文. 2024年4月.《新濠天地app》, 腓利门书, in Brill Exegetical Commentary Series, Vol. 2024年4月2日. Watt is co-editor and contributor to the Baker Encyclopedia of Biblical Greek Language and 语言学, slated for publication this fall.
  • 2021

    "Familiar Story in Unfamiliar Words: William Dean's Chinese Study Bible and Five Generations of Chinese Australian Immigrants." Paper co-authored with Francis G.H. Pang, for presentation to the Conference on Translation, literature and Publishing in Chinese Christianities at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) - June 19-20, 2020年(推迟到2021年).

    "The Role of 语言学 in Teaching Biblical 语言." Invited paper for presentation to the Bingham Colloquim, McMaster Divinity College (Hamilton, ON), June 4-5, 2020年推迟到2021年.

    Co-editor and contributor for Advancing the Vision:纪念约翰。H. “杰克”·怀特·费斯特里夫 J合编. M. Watt & Bruce R. Backensto (Fall City Press, 2019) Author of Chapter 15 - "The rise of Artisan English" (pp. 287-314).

    Chapter revision of "Religious and Sacred Literacies."第25章The Handbook of Educational 语言学 (Blackwell, 2007), co-authored with Sarah L. 费尔菲尔德威尔逊. 第二版(2021年).

    即将到来的联合编辑Baker Encyclopedia of Biblical Greek and 语言学,and the author of six entries: "Semantic Change,”“代码转换,“词汇-语法变化。,”“指示功能,斯蒂芬·H. Leinsohn和“省略”."

    "Thoughts of Paul: The Church and Ecclesiology.即将到来的章节 volume,保罗式的思想. 斯坦利·E. 波特与大卫一世. Yoon, eds. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2021.

    "What Has Prague to Do with Hamilton?即将到来的章节 volume, The Literary-Linguistic Analysis of the New Testament:The Enduring Legacy of Russion Formalism and the Prague Linguistic Circle. 斯坦利·E. 波特,扎卡里·K. 道森和莱德. Wishart eds. In: 语言学圣经研究 (LBS) Series. 莱顿:E. J. 布里尔,2021.

    《新濠天地app》.即将到来的章节Cambridge Companion to the Bible and 语言学.剑桥大学出版社, 2022.


  • 2020

    "The Role of 语言学 in Teaching Biblical 语言." Invited paper for presentation to the Bingham Colloquim, McMaster Divinity College (Hamilton, ON), June 4-5, 2020年推迟到2021年.

    Co-editor & 贡献:Baker Encyclopedia of Biblical Greek and 语言学(贝克图书,2021年出版).

    Persuasion in Philemon- Co-Written with James Dvorak (publisher TBD) 2020-21.

    Hebrews. In: New Testament Discourse Analysis Commentary (NTDAC Series; Wipf & 股票,2024).


  • 2019

    《新濠天地app》:Anti-Language and the Epistle of James.《詹姆斯·德沃夏克 & 扎卡里·K. 道森(eds.). The Epistle of James: Linguistic Exegesis of an Early Christian Letter. Wipf and Stock, 2019.

    联合编辑(与斯坦利·E. 波特和Jesus Pelaez),语言学圣经研究Series (scholarly monograhphs and edited collections in Greek and 语言学 - E. J. Brill).

    联合编辑(与斯坦利·E. Porter, Christopher Land, Dana Harris),Baker Encylcopedia of Biblical Greek and 语言学 (预计2021年出版)

    本项目:Rhetorical Approaches to Philemon(与詹姆斯·德沃夏克).

    编辑部:Biblical & 古希腊语言学(BAGL);Dialogismos; Didaktikos -期刊.

    Seminar Speaker: Recurrent topics include "Islam: Then and Now,”“时间管理," " Historical 语言学/Diachronic Semantics,以及其他应要求的话题.


  • 2018
    "I, Pastor: Alert at the 十字路口."Didaktikos -2018年11月号,p. 6.

  • 2017

    “Jewish Classical Education and the American Home Schooling Movement.” 2017. Shanghai (Chinese language version)

    “Gregory of Nazianzus on Language.In: Denecker, Tim, M. Lamberigts G. Partoens P. Swiggers和T. 范哈尔(编辑).). 2017. Language and Culture in Early Christianity: A Companion. 鲁汶:此人.

    IAKWBOU 反Mundum: Anti-Language and the Epistle of James.詹姆斯·德沃夏克(James Dvorak)编.). 《稻草》中的宝石: Linguistic Criticism and the Epistle of James. Wipf and Stock, 2017.

    “Getting Along: Politeness Theory and the Gospels.” In: Andrew Pitts and Craig Blomberg, (eds.). 史丹利。E. Porter. E.J. 布里尔,2017.

    注释/关键 Commentary on Colossians and Philemon. Brill Exegetical Commentary Series.斯坦利·E. 波特和安德鲁·W. 皮茨(总编辑). 莱顿:E.J. Brill. 即将到来的.

    “From Adams (1885) to Zimmermann (2009): In, With and Under the Substance of Prepositions” Biblical and 古希腊语言学 – Vol. 7 (2017).

    "Cultural Identification and the Language of Religion." Paper for Presentation to Wolrd Education Day Conference - Dalian, China (Sept. 27-29, 2017).


  • 2016

    “Jewish Classical Education” and “The American Home Schooling Movement.” Papers presented at graduate seminars - Nanjing Normal University, China – March 28 & 29, 2016.

    “Deep vs. Surface Culture: Language Ideology in the Ancient Near East and Jewish Antiquity.” Paper presented at graduate seminar – Xiamen University, China – March 30, 2016.

    “Anthropological Models of Culture and Language.” Paper presented at graduate seminar of Foreign Language Institute, 湖南师范大学, Changsha, 中国- 4月5日, 2016.


  • 2015

    “From Adams (1885) to Zimmermann (2009): In, With and Under the Substance of Prepositions” Paper for presentation to the Biblical Greek and 语言学 Section of the Society ofBiblical Literature, Atlanta, GA - 11月.

    “The Living Language Environment of Acts 21:27-40.” Biblical and 古希腊语言学4(2015):30-48.

    “Patristic Conceptions of Language Universals.” Paper presented to the Perspectives on Language and Culture in Early Christianity. 比利时鲁汶大学- 9月.10-12.


  • 2014

    “Idiolect, Candy Bars and ‘Artisan English′ Orthography.” Paper presented to the 14thInternational Conference on Diversity in Organizations, 在维也纳, Austria, 2014年7月

    “The Living Language Environment of Acts 21:27-40.” Paper presented to the Greek Language and Exegesis Section of the 福音神新濠天地app, 圣地亚哥, CA,2014年11月.

    “The Principle of Universality in Sociolinguistics With Implications for Acts 22:2.” Paperpresented to the Biblical Greek Language and 语言学 Section at the 年度会议of the 圣经文学学会, 圣地亚哥, CA, 2014年11月.

    “Anti-Language and the Epistle of James.” Chapter in edited book on the Greek text of the Epistle of James and Persuasion Theory. 詹姆斯·德沃夏克(联合编辑). 即将到来的.


  • 2013

    Review of Language and Religion: A Journey into the Human Mindby William Downes(Cambridge, 2011). In: 语言与社会 Vol.42(3): 2013年6月

    注释/关键 Commentary on Colossians and Philemon. In the Brill ExegeticalCommentary Series. 斯坦利·E. 波特和安德鲁·W. 皮茨(总编辑).莱顿:E.J. Brill. 即将到来的.

    A Cross-Linguistic Study of Greek Diminutives – BAGL – Fall Issue


  • 2012

    “Missionaries and Language Maintenance and Language Shift: 语言政策, Social Forces or Historical Accident?(与克里斯蒂娜. Paulston) Paper for presentation to the 7th Annual Conference on Missionary 语言学. 不来梅,德国,2月11日.29-Mar.2.

    “Is There a Diminutive Proto-Type in the House? Paper for presentation to the Biblical GreekLanguage and 语言学 Section of the 圣经文学学会, Chicago, IL,Nov.17-20.

    Internal book and manuscript reviews for Oxford University Pressand Wadsworth Cengage Learning.


  • 2011

    领袖的圣经 -新约. Editor/translator for Synoptic Gospels, Acts and I, II Thessalonians. 400th Anniversary Edition of KJV / MEV.

    “社区小.” Paper for presentation to the Biblical Greek 语言 and语言学 Section of the 圣经文学学会, 年度会议,旧金山, Nov.19.

    Critical review of Tope Omoniyi (ed.), The Sociology of Language and Religion. 帕尔格雷夫/麦克米兰,2010. In: 语言政策, Vol.11,第2期(2012):205-207.


  • 2010

    《新濠天地app》.” Ch.《新濠天地app》,伯纳德.). Cambridge Handbook of语言政策. 剑桥大学出版社. (与克里斯蒂娜·B. Paulston), 2012.

    “A History of Greek with Reference to the New Testament” and “Some Implications ofBilingualism for New Testament Exegesis.《史丹利·E. Porter &Andrew W. 皮特,Eds. Studies in the Language of the New Testament, Vol.1.莱顿:E.J. Brill. ——即将到来

    “A Short Study of Greek Diminutives.” Paper presented to the Biblical Greek Language and语言学 Section of the 圣经文学学会, Atlanta, Nov.20.


  • 2009

    “Hermeneutic Implications of Bilingualism with Reference to Matt.5:22.” Paper forpresentation to the Biblical Greek Language and 语言学 Section of the 圣经文学学会 年度会议, 新奥尔良, Nov.21-24.

    “The Contribution of Bilingualism to an Understanding of the Nature of New Testament Greek with Implications for the Exegesis of Phil.2:6-11.” Paper for presentation to the New Testament and the Greek Language Section of the 福音神新濠天地app annual meeting, 新奥尔良, Nov.18-20.

    “Talking with the Dead: 语言学 and Pedagogy of Hellenistic Greek.” In: S.B. Porterand米.B. 奥唐纳(Eds.). The Linguist as Pedagogue: Trends in the Teaching and 语言学 Analysis of the Greek New Testament. 新约各论,11. 谢菲尔德凤凰出版社(2011).

    “Religion as a Domain of Intercultural Discourse.” Ch.23 in Kiesling, Scott, Elizabeth Rangel and Christina B. Paulston (Eds.). Blackwell Handbook of InterculturalDiscourse and Communication. 布莱克威尔出版社(2012).


Awards & 区别

  • Excellence in Scholarship Award, 新濠天地app大学, 2004-2005
  • Moderator of 174th Synod (2005) of Reformed Presbyterian Church

从属关系,e.g., membership in professional organizations, etc.

  • 圣经文学学会
  • 福音神新濠天地app

杂,e.g., hobbies, sports, personal info

  • 出生在悉尼, Australia; raised in England, 美国, Australia and Hong Kong before permanently immigrating to 美国 in 1967 (citizenship granted in 1975). Enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and camping; experienced in remodeling and refinishing furniture and refurbishing houses; like to spend time conversing with college students, including organizing and participating in variety of international travels.


Dr. 乔纳森·瓦特, 圣经研究教授 and Bible Department Chair, was recently appointed to serve as co-editor of the Baker Encyclopedia of Biblical Greek Language and 语言学, which is slated for publication in 2024. 

Dr. Watt has taught Greek and Bible courses at 新濠天地app大学 for over twenty years and is a widely respected scholar in the area of Greek linguistics.

Some of his most recent scholarly work includes “Thoughts of Paul: The Church and Ecclesiology” (a chapter in a book titled 保罗式的思想, edited by Stanley Porter and Zachary Dawson) and a scholarly paper co-presented in Canada with James Dvorak titled "When Clouds Rain Transcendence: Appraisal Theory and Hebrews 11.”

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