获得体育管理学位最令人兴奋的好处 - Geneva College-新濠天地app
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很少有职业能让人兴奋, 个人满足感, 还有赚钱的机会,比如体育管理. This is a wonderfully diverse career path that is bursting with potential. 继续阅读,了解什么是体育管理, 为什么这是一个值得追求的伟大领域, and how a targeted degree can prepare you for success after you graduate.


At its core, sports management involves the business aspects of the athletic and recreational industries. 它涵盖了从日程安排到会计的所有内容, 以及正在进行的分析和评估. In general, these activities are required for organizations that primarily deal with sports-oriented products or services. Often, 其中包括职业和大学运动队, 但这个领域也可以包括高中甚至青少年运动.


Sports management is a dynamic field that holds a great deal of potential. This career track is an excellent fit for anyone who is passionate about sports and eager to help shape the future of the athletic industry. First, however, 获得有针对性的培训很重要, as today's top employers often prefer to hire candidates with relevant degrees.

Not sure what you can do with a 体育管理学位 — or whether this is a smart academic track to pursue? 如果你已经对运动充满热情, it shouldn't take much to convince you of the value of this course of study. The following are a few of the main benefits of studying sports management:



这是体育产业的一个激动人心的时刻, which, 即使在几十年的成功之后, 增长速度是否令人印象深刻. This is evident based on Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data involving several related career tracks. The outlook in 教练和球探例如,在2020年至2030年之间,这一数字令人印象深刻,达到26%. 相比之下,所有领域的全国平均水平为8%, 很容易理解为什么这个领域存在如此多的乐观情绪.

与其他职位, the BLS doesn't provide targeted outlook information for sports — but it's possible to extrapolate based on the field in general. Statisticians, for example, can expect an astounding projected career growth of 33 percent. Meanwhile, 会议、会议和活动策划者 看好18%的前景. 所有这些职位在体育行业中都很常见.

The potential for the industry is also promising when the field is examined as a whole. Data from Kearney 该行业在全球范围内的价值为6200亿美元, 增长速度超过国际GDP.


很少有激情像对运动的热爱那样强烈. Many sports enthusiasts commit large amounts of time and money to their favorite teams, 即使没有薪水的承诺. 想象一下,如果你能在做自己喜欢的事情的同时谋生.

There is an undeniable satisfaction that comes with supporting an industry you've adored since you were young. 这可能是你确保长期职业成就的机会, regardless of where you find work or how quickly you climb the career ladder.


Variety is built into the very fabric of the sports management profession. 这个领域比大多数人意识到的要广阔得多. 最好的工作机会包括:

  • Athletic director
  • 代理或合同谈判经理
  • 合同管理员
  • 体育统计学家或数据分析师
  • Event coordinator

The transferable skills gained through a 体育管理学位 allow graduates to move between niches as desired. Applied learning prepares students to take on a variety of real-world challenges while climbing the career ladder in the world of sports and athletics.


如果你喜欢旅行, sports management could be the perfect opportunity to hit the road while working. The extent to which you'll move about depends largely on your employer and position, but it's relatively easy to find jobs that integrate some element of travel.

Scouting, for example, requires professionals to visit specific schools or programs where top prospects play. Meanwhile, advance scouts check out opponents to get insider info on the competition and plan team strategies accordingly. 体育协调员可以随他们所服务的团队一起旅行, managing everything from logistics to equipment maintenance along the way.

Never Bored

Boredom is never an issue in the exciting field of sports management, which is always evolving. There are compelling challenges you will be called on to address as a sports management professional. 没有哪两天是完全一样的, as there are always new developments to handle and new relationships to build.


如果你一直想和专业运动员互动, you might have that chance once you obtain your 体育管理学位. The degree and manner in which you work with athletes will depend on the scope of your job. 你可能会处理合同谈判或照顾团队后勤. Either way, you'll love interacting with the athletic professionals you've been inspired by for years.

迈出下一步:学习 新濠天地app新濠天地app体育管理专业

如果上述细节有任何指示,a 体育管理学位 is a smart idea for anyone who wants to score a job in this opportunity-filled profession. Geneva provides valuable preparation with its dual sport management/business major, 它涵盖了从活动协调到设施管理的所有内容.

For more information on how Geneva College can help you pursue your career goals, 新濠天地app:855-979-5563或web@azarnewsonline.com.

Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, conversation, 以及对真理的追求, 符合新濠天地app作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.

Oct 27, 2021

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